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Annual Report

2023 Annual Report

The Volga City Public Library celebrated its 100th year of providing the residents of our community and surrounding area equal access to resources, information, stimulation, education, and recreation. 

A focus this year was combining wellness opportunities with literature programming. A free snack and hydration station encouraged patrons to make positive nutritional choices, self-care opportunities, and overall physical and emotional well-being. 

Activities that included intergenerational interaction and volunteerism increased engagement during library time and community events all year. Fundraising for our future library included our fall Box Social and the 1st annual Murder Mystery Night. Many donations of Volga City history have been received to enhance our genealogy center.

We are looking forward to the move to our new address in 2024!

Total Patrons: 269

Rural Patrons: 76

Circulation Report:

Total:  1816

City:    1357

Rural:   109

ILL & other: 677

Wireless Sessions: 4335 connections


2022 Anual Report

2021 Annual Report

Volga Public Library

Director: Karla Duff


Total Users: 262

Rural Users: 76

Circulation Report:

Total- 1165

City 628

Rural 102

ILL & other 428

Re-opening to regular library hours after Covid-19 shutdown has allowed VPL to reconnect and focus on our collection and programing. Working with intergenerational community members brings a wealth of knowledge to all involved. Our Summer Reading program was held in the city park where we colored our community. Iowa author visit, after school social time for tweens and teens, Art4All, Halloween Night and a domestic abuse informational meeting are all ways we connected with our patrons. Fundraising for our future library included our annual box social and the community bump and run concession stand. Many donations of Volga City history have been received to enhance our history center. We are looking forward to the move to our new address in 2022!